22 Things to Do Instead of Drink

bored without alcohol

Now, I personally love Pinterest, and I don’t know if you guys do, too. But Pinterest for me is a great tool to learn and to dream. I like gardening and had a big 2020 plot of land that was just weeds and nothing else. And I turned it into a raised garden bed with beautiful salt and pepper stones in between them. I posted incredible pictures on my Pinterest board about beautiful vegetable gardens and flower gardens. I went to the garden store and I bought the seeds and the plants.

Harsh Life Realities 20-Somethings Don’t Realize Yet, According To People In Their 40s

If someone else loves hiking, ask them to take you on a hike. Ask to join people on a bike ride, ask to go watch something that you would normally not go watch. Have someone else tell you what their passion is and get interested.

bored without alcohol

Can Drinking Wine Make You Feel Depressed?

And what to do about it, there seems to be a common theme around what women worry about when they’re about to quit drinking. Some of the drinking out of boredom things they experience in early sobriety that may lead them to go back to drinking. And even once you’ve quit drinking, there is a time between when your life was filled with alcohol, and with drinking events.

bored without alcohol

Quitting Alcohol Timeline: What to Expect in Weeks 1-3

bored without alcohol

But it will distract you from boredom. It will open your eyes to what other people do and it’ll be good for you. Tarot Readings, I love tarot readings. And that’s something to do in sobriety when you’re not drinking that might interest you. And maybe another one, the beautiful thing about sobriety is that you don’t need to know where the path is going to lead. When I was in early sobriety, I was very shaky.

  • After a week or so, your body will start to recognize the bedtime routine and you’ll feel sleepy in no time.
  • Most people drink to fill some sort of void, like boredom, loneliness, an unhappy relationship, job-related stress or anxiety.
  • Excessive drinking has numerous impacts on your body and mind, ranging from mild to severe.
  • Consuming fun is a very passive activity.
  • Deciding to live without alcohol may seem challenging, but all you have to do is look for things you can substitute for drinking.
  • However, staying sober around the people you love has many benefits.

Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Alcohol?

I’ve been where you are, as have thousands of other sober people who had to learn to have a life again after sobriety. Go to a late-night yoga or fitness class, or take one virtually. It can be a pain when all you want to do is veg out on the couch, but you’ll sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed.

  • While it may not be something you perceptibly notice, one huge health benefit from stopping alcohol will occur by your third week of not drinking.
  • But today, alternative activities like wellness retreats, sober-friendly events and even dry bars are becoming increasingly popular.
  • Skipping that glass of wine for some self-care can be a great way to kick off a dry January (or any month!) and give your body and mind the care they deserve.

Board Games

And that is something that you don’t realize you need. In that quote I read in the beginning again, it says you will need other people as a living, breathing reminder of everything that’s good in life. So this episode was about what to do if you’re feeling bored in sobriety. What you can do if you feel flat, if you feel mad if you feel blocked. And part of it is to trust the process.

bored without alcohol

I’ve gotten everyone in my social circle and family on the Jackbox train. Most games are slightly inappropriate, which plays to my sense of humor. Whether your poison is Monopoly, Risk, Uno, or Spades, getting a group of people together to eat junk food and play games is always a good option. This has been one of my favorite things to do in sobriety.

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