How to Use Governance Online Meetings

Governance Online Meetings come in various types, but the main to an effective governance meeting is to ensure that participants are able to communicate with one another in the same manner as when they were in person. This includes sharing screens using video and voice calling, and providing instant answers to questions. This means that anyone could be forced to leave a meeting at any time, if disruptive or inconsiderate. They will also receive an email with a note of the meeting.

It is vital that the presiding officer or chair of the meeting maintains the proceedings on course. A good governance meeting should have an exact agenda and time limits for each item. This will ensure that statutory rules for governance meetings are adhered to, and if the governance meeting is reviewed by an outside entity, it’s likely that they’ll seek evidence of these standards.

In a perfect world meetings for governance would be scheduled every week. However this isn’t always feasible for all teams. It is suggested to schedule the first few meetings in a close proximity (especially when you are just getting started with Roles) however, you can you can plan to have fewer meetings as your team gets used to working in Roles.

It is also beneficial to have a few check-in calls between meetings on governance to keep the team together and allow people with questions or concerns to have their concerns addressed. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to strengthen relationships between the leadership team at the top.

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