Best Practices for Preparing Board Documents

Board documents are a vital source of information needed to make crucial decisions to keep a business running smoothly. A member of the board can become overwhelmed by too many details which can cause poor decision-making. However a board with little information may miss important information or even lose control over their business. To avoid this, board members should have access to comprehensive and accurate information that is easy to digest and well-organized. This article offers the best practices for creating effective board software board documents that meet these requirements.

Effective board documents contain the most current and relevant information that is directly connected to the strategic decision in question. They are concise, clear and use a formal business style. They stay clear of jargon and technical terms. Boards come from diverse backgrounds, and therefore information must be tailored to each directors needs. For instance, jargon used in marketing isn’t appropriate for finance professionals and vice the reverse. When you’re creating documents for boards ensure that you include a glossary of terms that covers any specialized words or acronyms to ensure clarity for all readers.

Additionally the board must establish its own internal guidelines and standards for the preparation of board documents. This includes using a template and selecting the fonts that are preferred and preparing an appendix in which sources are shared or provide additional information. The board should also create the rules for a meeting’s quorum, and the number of directors required to hold it. This will ensure that all directors have the opportunity to participate and be heard.

Boards should disseminate their board meeting documents in advance, so that there is enough time for directors reviewing them before the meeting. A week is a good time frame to give directors enough time to study and prepare for the meeting.

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